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CIWM / WAMITAB Continuing Competence Test

Wamitab continuing competence booklets


I resat my test and as before I completed the Generic test, Non hazardous waste transfer and Non hazardous treatment.   I didn’t purchase the latest books, but I  definitely will for next time as I had some new areas of questions that I have never been tested on before, specifically on the quarterly waste returns, COSHH, Fire prevention and emissions.  Be sure you familiarise yourself with these topics.    I had the following questions:

Transferring a Permit

Who signs part F1 when transferring a permit?

Both parties need to sign F1 

Sheeting of vehicles

What is the best way to sheet a vehicle?

On the ground with electric sheeting system or gantry


Reporting of incidents, which incident is reportable under RIDDOR

The answer for this question was scolds over 10% of the body.

Workplace Exposure limits COSHH

I had to select another example from the list provided and the answer was skin contact for workplace exposures.

Injection, inhalation, ingestion and skin contact are all correct examples

Working with Contractors

How would you select a contractor to work for you? this was an odd question, it suggested checking their social media reviews, ask their family members if they recommended them or ensuring they had not been previously prosecuted by checking on the HSE website.  Checking if they have been previously prosecuted on the HSE website is the correct answer.

Waste Returns

I had two questions on this,  what information should be included on a quarterly waste return and I was given a list, I selected TCM (details of the technical competent management. ) The second question I had asked about waste received and removed from site.  I selected that you need to provide  Disposal and Recovery Codes (D&R codes) 

What does SIC stand for?

Standard Industrial Classification code

Fugitive Emissions:

I had a question about selecting a possible fugitive emission.  I selected the escape of litter.

Other questions I had related to underground tanks, waste hierarchy, permits to work, and how to prevent fires.

If you have found this useful, perhaps you could give us a review and I will be sure to keep updating this blog on my next test!

UPDATE: November 2021

Just a quick update, I have retaken my WAMITAB again 2021 and passed again.  I have noted some additional questions that I was asked and hope that you find these helpful.  Again I used the booklets purchased through WAMITAB which I always find really helpful:

Latest questions I was asked:

What should you consider when maintaining personal hygiene in the workplace?

The answer is: You should avoid hand-to-mouth or eye contact, you should avoid transferring contamination (e.g from used gloves) to other objects, which may be touched without protection (e.g mobile phones)

What should you consider before lifting  (manual handling)

The answer is: Observe, think and consider before listing.  Also avoid twisting. 

EWC codes:

Always consider the entire list.


When reversing use a signaler or banksman.

Evaluating Risk

Can I remove the risk altogether?

Fire Segregation

Keep sources of ignition at least 6 meters away from piles of combustible and flammable materials.


Drainage containing detergents should not pass a separator that discharges to surface water because detergents prevent the separator from working properly.

Health & Safety

Mandatory signs - Safety signs - Vehicles at work

What type of sign is this?

It is a mandatory sign.

I sat my CIWM / WAMITAB continuing competence Test, which I am required to sit every two years.  Previously I have sat an online course, which I found very helpful, this time I opted for the cheaper option of purchasing the revision guide and workbooks through .  I found these to be very useful and if you are on a tight budget, are sufficient as long as you have a good understanding of the topics.

The booklets that I purchased this time were:

Generic Health & Safety

Generic Environmental Protection

Generic Legislation

Treatment & Transfer: Non Hazardous (This is what I choose as my specific activity)

About the test

The Continuing Competence test is made up of two parts. A Generic Knowledge test and three Activity Specific tests.

The Generic Knowledge test has a total of 18 questions is sat by everyone. It covers topics such as Legislation, Environmental Protection and Health & Safety.

The Activity Specific tests are more specific to your own services and site activities. You will take 3 Activity Specific tests and will need to find out which ones you will need to take before going to the examination. They cover various sub-categories  such as non-hazardous landfill, managing the treatment of hazardous waste and managing incineration.

I found the WAMITAB website very helpful when preparing for my test, they have ‘Revision Tips & Links’ and ‘syllabus revision guide’ documents for each of the tests and a tutorial of the test itself so you know what to expect.

Example Questions

Below are a few of the test questions that I was given:

What is considered as a significant risk to life, regarding oxygen levels?

less than 32% concentration

less than 50% concentration

less than 16% concentration

less than 10% concentration

What colour is used for Foul Sewers?





Which of these would be classed as Hazardous Waste?

Food waste

Wet cardboard

Solvent packaging with a small amount of residue solvent fluid

Waste paper with ink from a printer

What is the third step on the waste Hierarchy?


Prepare for refuse



My Tips

I would definitely recommend buying the booklets, they are very handy for referring back to and if you have more than one WAMITAB member of staff you can share the books, just be mindful of when they are updated.

My tip would be to do as many mock exams online that you can find, I have used Albion Environmental and Wiser Environmental  in the past and have always found it to be an excellent way of preparing for your exam.

Do not forget you ID on the day

Give yourself plenty of time to find the test center

Stay calm and go over all of the questions before submitting your answers

Use the flag button option that they provide in the exam to remind you to go back over the answers you are not 100% sure of, I have always found this very helpful.  

If you are not 100% sure, think logically and eliminate unreasonable answers, if you then only have two answers its a 50/50 chance of getting it right! 

If you need any more tips or advice on the WAMITAB continuing competence exams, I would be happy for you to email the office for specific questions relating to this subject, I am not an expert, but I have sat many of these over the years and know what is expected of you to remain competent.

I hope you have enjoyed my blog!

Please leave me a review if you have found this useful 

If you have found this useful, perhaps you could give us a review and I will be sure to keep updating this blog on my next test!

